In one word
Create skits on the theme of false friends in connection with the European Day of Languages
Intercultural Objectives: Be aware of the role that knowledge of foreign languages or its absence can play.
Pragmatic Objectives: Understand the usefulness of the European Day of Languages, recognize and avoid false friends.
Linguistic Objectives: Paraphrasing.
Final Task: Create skits featuring misunderstandings related to false friends.
Introduction: Ask your students if they have ever heard of the European Day of Languages and if they can imagine what it is about.
Activity 1: Reading comprehension and discovery of the European Day of Languages
Source of the text: Éducation.gouv (translated from French)
"Why a European Day of Languages?
The European Day of Languages was created during the European Year of Languages in 2001, which managed to bring together thousands of people in the 47 participating states. Linguistic diversity is a path to better intercultural understanding. That is why the Council of Europe decided to continue its action in favor of languages by entrusting the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) with the implementation of this day. The European Day of Languages highlights:
The rich linguistic diversity of Europe, which must be maintained and encouraged.
The need to diversify the range of languages learned (including less widely spoken languages), leading to multilingualism.
The importance of developing skills in modern languages for full participation in democratic citizenship in Europe.
Who is the European Day of Languages for?
On this occasion, events are organized throughout Europe: demonstrations, radio and television broadcasts, language courses, conferences, etc. Individually or in groups, everyone is free to decide on the nature of the activities they wish to organize.
Schools and educational institutions are invited and encouraged to engage in this dynamic to raise students' awareness of the richness of linguistic diversity and involve them in projects.
For students, the European Day of Languages is an opportunity:
To open up to other cultures, traditions, and languages that are not usually presented in class.
To showcase students' creative talents by:
Conducting activities related to modern languages - creating skits, video and audio recordings of songs, etc. - while highlighting other languages they know;
Creating language cafés;
Participating in web radio;
Highlighting all the languages spoken within the institution;
Many events are also organized in Europe on this occasion."
What happens during the European Day of Languages?
When was it created?
How many states participate in this day?
Why is linguistic diversity important?
Who is responsible for organizing this day?
What types of activities are offered during this day in schools?
Activity 2: Discovery of false friends
The issue of misunderstanding:
Present the theme of the year 2024: languages for peace. Engage in a discussion about what this means. Invite students to reverse the question: Why could a lack of language knowledge lead to war?
Encourage them to share their personal experiences if they have found themselves in a problematic situation due to a lack of knowledge of the other person's language.
False friends:
Ask if they know what this means. If not, give an example like "The only kind of pain I want in my life is pain au chocolat," which is often seen on social media.
Then ask them to provide examples of false friends between the languages they know.
Divide the class into groups and distribute mixed false friend cards. They will have to find the pairs of false friends (easy!), identify the two languages, and prepare to explain orally the meanings of the two words in French.
Activity 3: Creation of skits
Mini listening comprehension: False Friends by Loic Suberville (YouTube)
a) Who are the characters?b) What are the three misunderstandings in the video?c) What is the purpose of the video?
In groups of two or three, students should choose three pairs of false friends (from those seen in class or others, always including one French word) and write a skit based on the same model as in the video.
When they are ready, you can have them perform in front of the rest of the class or film them!
Some of my students have been very creative, using objects from the classroom or even making props with what they have on hand. Feel free to encourage this!
Have a great class!